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Feels Like Sunday Morning ok so its not usual that i write a journal but i feel like it so shut the fuck up.
Carly got back today! suppose to pick her up at the airport wit Julie (her mom) but i got crap time management. Was thinkin bout surprisin her but she called me and i accidently picked up while i was on the way. turns out she was already home before i could flag the cab. Noela (her maid) was surprised to see me. Guess i havent been around the house for a bit. Sorta dissapointed Julie too cus i sed i would see her when Carly was away, but i got crap time management. I miss Julie, Noela and Carly... and Baileys too. But he was barking his ass off at me as usual... Watched the TTC vid - DooDat! had a laff at CArly'S acting. im annoyed i cannot be seen at the back. trying to slow it down and spot me... CARLY WAS SUPPOSE TO GET ME TOFFEE!!! but she got me English FHM and Cadbury. damn diggity damn, English FHM is like the best ever. i think my Ramadhan and all the fasting jus went down the drain. and the Cadbury was heavenly, not like the waxy ones u find here, which will still hold its shape even if u bake it till the oven runs out of gassss.... Went over to walla walla at Holland V. surprised a few ppl. went to cus (which was shit as usual). went home. Carly if u readin this i love u babe and ur not fat... jus a lil on the full side. ok ok ur an anorexic stick insect. anywez i love the way u are.... i think. hehe oh i also had a long chat with Venka and Su Yin when i got in the office to hand in my assignments. It was kewl. funny how i dun see anybody else doing that. Audrey jus came in, sed 4 words and left haha. im a major suck up.... oh yeah, met Ellie on the way back.... :D funny the things u can do in an hour. nuff said. Must practice Scrabble to reach 400 and kick syaheeds ass.. yes mang u herd im ready. im almost done with the fuckin assigments!!! only ravi's and a journal then im freeee!!!!! ok im goin to bed.... fantasizing bout dugongs/smellycowwithgiganticballs/Gollum/lanalangwannabe sara.. love, suf... (yes, do love me) im so lame and lazy as well fuck you for agreeing... suf rambled at 10/20/2004 01:14:00 am
Feels Like Sunday Morning It gets to me why people pick and choose waht they want to hear / read / finger from me, and tellin others thier version on it, ultimately spreading falsehood / truthood / cheese. This sorta shit recently got me close enough to fire for me to feel the heat. I dont like it. Not one bit. You wouldn't either... so dont do it. Im warning / telling / fantasizing bout you.
It need to be explained to me why issit when i say 'A' / 'B' / 'Goldfish' it goes round the loop and reaches me with 'Z' / 'W' / 'Goldfish'. Wahts the problem? A language barrier? The way i said it? Got to much wax / hair / cum in ur ears bitch? Why would you tell me not to tell anyone this secret u jus told me, publish it in the morning paper, then get mad at me when evrybody knows?, Acting like you dont know how in the world / hell / chickens it happened. What are you StoopiD / RetardeD / S_ r _h?!?! What do you think I'M STOOPID / IDIOTIC / Seeexxaay?!?!? well wateva it is, there is no stopping / killing / castrating you, well at the moment at least. jus watch ur back / back / back, and ur mouth / words / cuntflaps. You might neva know when it'll come back to you... suf rambled at 10/16/2004 06:46:00 am
Feels Like Sunday Morning FROM: Bin Laden, Osama. TO: All Al Qaeda Fighters. SUBJECT: The Cave Hi guys. We've all been putting in long hours recently but we've really come together as a group and I love that! However, while we are fighting a jihad, we can't forget to take care of the cave, and frankly I have a few concerns: First of all: Dust. While it's good to be concerned about cruise missiles, we should be even more concerned about the dust in our cave. We want to avoid excessive dust inhalation, (a health and safety issue) - so we need to sweep the cave daily. I've done my bit on the cleaning roster, have you? I've posted a sign-up sheet near the cave reception area (next to the Halal toaster/griller). Second: It's not often I make a video address but when I do, I'm tryin to scare the hell out of most of the world's population, okay? That means that while we're taping, please do not ride your scooter in the background or keep doing the 'Wasssuuup' thing. Thanks. Third: Food. I bought a box of Afgani goat cheese recently, clearly wrote "Ossy" on the front, and put it on the top shelf of the fridge. Today, two of my slices were gone... Consideration. That's all I'm saying. Fourth: I'm not against team spirit and all that, but we must distance ourselves from the Infidel's bat and ball games. And please - do not chant "Ossy, Ossy, Ossy. Oii Oii Oii" when I ride past on the donkey. Thanks. Fifth: Graffiti. Whoever wrote "OSAMA F**** DONKEYS" on the group toilet wall, it's a lie. The donkey backed into me, whilst I was relieving myself at the edge of the mountain. Sixth: The use of chickens is strictly for food, Assam. The old excuse that the 'chicken backed into me, whilst I was relieving myself at the edge of the mountain will not be accepted in future. (With donkeys there is a grey area). Finally, we've heard that there may be Western soldiers in disguise trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set up patrols to look for them. First patrol will be Muzir, Ali, Akbar, Samir and Dave. Love you lots, Os. xxx PS: I'm sick of having "Osama's Bed Linen" scribbled on my laundry bag. Cut it out, it's not funny anymore. suf rambled at 10/15/2004 01:54:00 am
Feels Like Sunday Morning I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow. And I water'd it with fears, Night & morning with my tears; And sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night, Till it bore an apple bright; And my foe beheld it shine, And he knew that it was mine, And into my garden stole When the night had veil'd the pole: In the morning glad i see My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree. Then I told my unfortunate foe; Then I told him 'I told you so'. 'Don't play me child, like a toy, Cross ma lines i jump ya dead boi'. - Bill B. & Suf suf rambled at 10/09/2004 03:41:00 pm
Feels Like Sunday Morning Episode 1:
Actors: JJ, Mark Extras: Nick, Sara, Suf, Shari, Shanti, Audrey, Mariam Sittin at the round table one night, the gang ordered dinner and drinks. Afta a good hearty meal, they do thier usual stuff; talk crap, play cards, smoke, talk more crap. Then all of a sudden JJ, was struck with a brilliant idea. JJ: (picks up Shari's lighter and starts flickin) Thinkin in head: eh i wunder if this bunch of greasy tisssue paper will burn if i light it with the lighter? So JJ sets the paper on fire. It so happen the fans were at full force and the flames spread like an Australian forest fire. JJ: WTF!!! (as if he didnt know that'll happen) Mark: WTF!!! (caught off guard because the napkins were right in front of him) Extras: WTF!!! (but saw it comin the minute JJ held the lighter) Desperately huffin and puffin into the flames nuturing it with oxygen, the napkins grew into a ruptured Iraqi oil spigot pump thing. JJ gets another brilliant idea. JJ: Thinkin in head: Hmmm i still have 1/4 of my $1.20 sugarcane with lemon drink. Pours it all over. The fire was out. Evrybody: PHEW!!! Or so we thought!!! THE FUCKIN THING MIRACULOUSLY SETS ITSELF ABLAZE LIKE A FALUNGGONG MONK! Quick thinkin Mark decides it's once and for all for the lil shit. With his mighty gale force breath, he vanquished the flames in one puff. Mark: PHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Obviously hurricanes cause more damage than good...all the time. Mark also blew cinders across the table to JJ who sprung out of his chair and started dancing in agony. Extras: Laugh our mafuckin ass off!!! ~END~ Roll Credits Catch the next episode same time, same place. (ok time dunno but definiely here) of.... LASALLE-SIA JACKASS!!! JJ: (sniffin the charred remains) Eh smell like burnt sugarcane man. eh people smell smell. nice sia... Off-Air. suf rambled at 10/07/2004 09:55:00 pm
Feels Like Sunday Morning it was 6 in the morning, i jus finished my last piece of assignment. Flooded with a sense of satisfaction i decide to write a post for my blog....
like waht!??!!? it dawns on me that this whole blog this is havin an effect on me. wahts so interesting about finishing my assignments and feeling good bout it... well its damn interesting to me but to you?!? same goes with waht i had for breakfast today, waht walkin to skewl was like and shit (no names will be mentioned). right, its fine if u have a point to ponder upon later, but i dun need to know ur daily diet fools im not a certified dietrician and i dun think they have the time to read ur blogs. but from waht ur eatin u need to find one. this was jus a blog that i stumbled upon... as i was saying bout 6 in the morning thing. i was searchin a subject in my head and i remembered how much fun this last few months had been. so i started on my suicide note. now i use to think that lil "Save as Draft" button was quite useless because i dun take ages to write a post and i dun want to keep it, until i tried to publish. ... CANNOT FIND SERVER. The server that suppose to be here magically dissapeared. haha. sorry, we meant try again later. oh and your 5000 word post is missing. right then i did feel like suicide. my gratification mode jus went down the drain but still i decide to rewrite, i had to much tea the night before too give up. With availing patience it was finally done by 6.45. STILL CANNOT FIND SERVER. Actually we have 2 servers. But the main one is missing and the backup is out lookin for it. Don't bother tryin again. gave up went to sleep. if ever i'm really commitin suicide. don't look for my reason here and i aint gonna be thankin yall either... blame blogs.
suf rambled at 10/05/2004 10:32:00 am
Feels Like Sunday Morning Ed: So this guy walks through a mineland and he... Suf: Whats a mineland? Ed: Huh? Suf: Its landmind you eejit. Ed: Yeah and where ya put them is a mineland. Suf: No it aint, there's another name for it. Ed: I'm tellin ya its mineland! Suf: No dammit it isnt.. its like- Naushine: Wot ya guys tolkin about? Ed: he says that place with mines is not *mumble mumble* fuckin' mineland.. Suf: Yeah its not. There's such a thing as a landmine but not a mineland. Ed: ok so what the hell do ya call a place where ya put all the mines? *silence* Suf: Cambodia... suf rambled at 10/01/2004 04:55:00 pm
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