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Feels Like Sunday Morning Recently, havin hot-boxed her room with some
quality*shizzay (damn ex now!!) we had a stoned out chat about the wierdest things......... Apart from the usual talk about orgasmic sex positions, bitchin about friends, orgasmic sex positions with the friends we bitch about, friends havin orgasmic sex positions while we bitch about them, and a hundred other combinations to those few words, So we did our "research" about life & death digressing into orgasmic sex positions, then faffed about the net and finally made up an abstract idea how kewl it could be like to actually have life after death in a totally different way... so without further digressions, enjoy... (ok ellie maybe one more hehe) I present you, an intelligent conversation: "The most perplexing thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. Living takes up all of your time man, whats longer than living? I hate the phrase 'life is short', what can be any fuckin longer than living?..twits" " Yeah.. and then u die! " "True that. ok I'm gonna put religion out of the picture here cause i happen to believe in the afterlife so there is a reason for living and death. But consider this, I think the life cycle should be backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way."
"That don't make sense. How bout mourning and ceremony? "
"No no dont think about those details, they are products of social, cultural shitness..."
"Hehe so u start an an elderly home, with hot nurses and cold apple pie" "You get kicked out when you're young enough, go to work. You work 30 - 50 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement at 23, with loads of money..." *laughing fits, munchies and digressions*
"so okay back to topic, 23 onwards we do all the stuff we do now? Or are we like mature lil fucks?" "Hehe this is the time when u get to really enjoy, i mean we have the energy, mentality and libido. You do drugs and alcohol, you party day and night and u break ur virginity." "On that note when do we get married?" "I thought we discussed to never mention that again till later, like much, ......."
"No Fool!! i mean in the lifetime plan thing *choked on crisp* hahaha" "Hehe oh ok i think marriage ia another social thing so there is no need yet, i said no details lah."
"ok ok, so after that we go to high school, do more stupid things. Perfect way to end. WOOHOO! " "No hold on. You go to junior high thru elementary, become a kid to toddler to baby, you go back through ur 'childs' cunt.."
"'childs' cunt?" "yeah i mean if its backwards then we look after pur parents and we give birth to them and as they get 'younger' we take care of them and stuff *mumble mumble*"
"ok so how do we end? better then death at least..." "well we spend our last year stuck to the placenta wall..."
"then you die in ur dad's balls. haha!" " no i find sperms are more like viruses then living things. plus if it'll run backwards then shud at least have a better ending then being in some ones balls."
"well i find better comfort in a guys balls then 6 feet under" "well i wouldnt.. "
"then?" "then we go as an explosive orgasm.."
"*laughing fit* ok" "my head hurts"
Song of the day: Legalise Marijuana - Peter Tosh suf rambled at 1/19/2005 01:11:00 am
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Never know how much I love you, |